NATURE - EU Cosmetic

NATURE - EU Cosmetic

NATURE - EU Cosmetic

NATRUE is a Brussels-based, non-profit association that promotes and protects natural and organic cosmetic products worldwide. Founded in 2007, NATRUE connects individuals and companies committed to the NATRUE label guarantee, which serves as a meeting point for natural and organic cosmetic products.

NATRUE's Mission: The mission of NATRUE is to develop and protect natural and organic cosmetic products for the benefit of consumers.

NATRUE Brand: NATRUE sets high standards for defining the naturalness of cosmetic products. Many products worldwide carry the NATRUE label, and numerous brands are in the certification process.

When you see a product with the NATRUE label, you can be assured that it meets high standards. Independent certification bodies monitor these processes, and they undergo a rigorous accreditation process managed by IOAS, a partner of NATRUE.

NATRUE by the Numbers:

  • More than 60 members from over 30 countries worldwide.
  • Over 6,200 products on the market carry the NATRUE label.
  • More than 270 brands trust us and the NATRUE label, with many more in the certification process.

NATRUE Standards:

  • Developed by the Scientific Committee Criteria and Label.
  • Continuously reviewed and updated by the Standards Scientific Committee as needed.

Why Trust NATRUE?

  • Only natural, naturally-derived, and nature-identical ingredients are permitted.
  • We do not inflate naturalness by counting water as an ingredient.
  • We guarantee no artificial ingredients.
  • We are strong advocates of sustainability.
  • We apply high-level criteria approved by expert scientists.
  • The label is granted only if the brand strongly commits to our values.

NATRUE Certification Process:

NATRUE's certification process is divided into two categories: finished products and raw materials.

Finished Products:

Required Steps:

  1. NATRUE does not approve directly. It works with a global network of independent certification bodies.
  2. Contact certification bodies to get information about standards and costs.
  3. Sign a contract and send it to NATRUE once collaboration is officially approved with the NATRUE-certified label.

Raw Materials:

  • Certification costs are entirely billed by the certifier and depend on the certification body you choose to work with.


NATRUE's label fees are used to finance NATRUE's activities as it is a non-profit association.

For more detailed information, please visit NATRUE.