Jas - Japan

JAS Standards in Japan
JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard) is the organic standard in effect in Japan. Operators wishing to export their products to Japan and label them with the JAS logo must be certified according to the JAS Standard.
Bioagricert is accredited by MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) to certify organic products according to the JAS Standard.
JAS Standards for organic plants and organic processed foods of plant origin were established based on the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labeling, and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 2000.
The organic JAS system was further developed with the addition of JAS Standards for organic animal products, organic processed foods of animal origin, and organic feeds, which came into effect in November 2005.
Operators certified by registered Japanese or overseas certification bodies can affix the organic JAS logo to products produced or processed in accordance with the relevant organic JAS Standards.