Fair Trade

Fair Trade

Fair Trade

Fair Trade Certification was established to identify products produced according to agreed environmental, labor, and development standards. Through this system, independent organizations audit the producer's compliance with the specified criteria.

The main points of Fair Trade are as follows:

  • Promote and guarantee fair production and fair trade projects for workers, producers, and businesses in disadvantaged countries and producer regions known as the "Global South."
  • Improve the living conditions of producers, increase their market access, strengthen their organizations, ensure they work with better wages, and guarantee stable trade partnerships.
  • Encourage development opportunities for disadvantaged groups such as women and indigenous communities and protect children in the production process from exploitation.
  • Communicate the mechanisms affecting workers in disadvantaged countries to consumers and inform consumers.
  • Establish production and trade practices that respect human dignity and safety.
  • Ensure the development of fair and just trade conditions in disadvantaged countries.
  • Develop social personal development and sustainable economic conditions.
  • Guide national and international institutions to protect and assist small producers.
  • Encourage the use of sustainable resources.