Plant-Based Organic Production

Plant-Based Organic Production

Plant-Based Organic Production

Plant-based organic productions are carried out through contracts with control and certification bodies. These productions are conducted under the supervision of these organizations.

After signing a contract with the control and certification body, the entrepreneur who will engage in plant-based organic production enters a transition period. The control body that will issue the certificate reviews the entrepreneur's records based on the previous use of the land, applied practices, general conditions of the region, grown crops, and risk situations, which can either shorten or extend the transition period.

Except for certain cases specified in organic farming regulations, the farm owner cannot produce transitional products of the same type or variety, or those that cannot be easily distinguished from the products produced using organic farming methods.

Propagation materials such as seeds and saplings must not be genetically modified, and the DNA sequence within the fertilized cell nucleus must not have been externally altered. Seeds must not be exposed to microwaves, radiation, or synthetic pesticides, or they must be produced according to the provisions of the relevant regulations.

Fertilizers, soil conditioners, and plant protection substances must be used according to the items listed under the relevant headings in Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the "Regulation on the Principles and Implementation of Organic Farming," published in the Official Gazette No. 27676 dated August 10, 2010.